Saturday Silliness …. Silly Pets Doing Something Silly

Okay, so I’ve done two Silly Saturdays (here and here), but this week, I found nothing that was silly. Nothing. But still, I liked the photos I’ve shown this week, so all in all, a good week.

Anyhow, this week I did a video at JibJab that I thought was just cute, so after I downloaded the video, I did some screen captures, and I just love this one. I took the photos of my Boxer dog and my British Shorthair cat, but for the rest, that’s the magic of JibJab. 🙂

Hope there is some silliness to your weekend. (:

Image Copyright © Katie Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

~ by KatiesCameraBlog on December 17, 2011.

70 Responses to “Saturday Silliness …. Silly Pets Doing Something Silly”

  1. Oh I just love boxers Katie! So full of bounce and fun. Had to laugh at this pic, it’s just great. Never heard of jib-jab so will have to look it up. Keep being silly!

  2. Wow, their clothes are so cute, and what they are doing makes them even more cuter. Great picture, Katie. Thanks for making me smile 🙂 and laugh too 😀 …!

  3. Love it!

  4. Hey, that’s a silly one! 😆 😆

  5. Cute, Katie, cute! 🙂

  6. So silly! I love it.

  7. Haha, I love these things!

  8. fantastic image Katie!!

  9. That’s cute. It would make a really neat greeting card, perhaps with the slogan, “Just wanted to say ‘cello!’ to you!”

    The world needs more silliness!

  10. that is cute.Like the previous comment, too.Have a smiling day! 🙂

  11. Haha!

  12. ahah so cute and funny 🙂 great job and eye for this one 🙂

  13. I love this!! It made me laugh!!

  14. Very funny and very silly!

  15. Poor cat. 😀

  16. Oh this is funny!!! Silly girl you.

  17. Made me laugh!!!!

  18. Since I’m always doing something silly .. maybe .. Silly Senior ?

  19. They are so lovely, made me laugh… You are amazing dear Katie, Thank you, with my love, nia

  20. This is funny! Never heard of JibJab but plan to check it out. 🙂

  21. So funny, Katie! I laughed out loud. Your cat looks a bit moody, as any self-respecting cat should. 😉 Great image!

    • Thanks, Jenna, glad you like this. I don’t see my kitty as looking moody. Maybe in the eyes, but I can see that grin he has, and he looks so smug and proud of himself, maybe a bit like Louis Armstrong? Love how people see something different. 🙂

  22. I did this jibjab filling in the faces with people I work with… but this is hilarious. I am definitely going to try it again with my cat and dog’s pictures. Also check out Blue Mountain cards – they have a hilarious Christmas moose that says whatever you type into the text box.

  23. Now this is a cool cat. He’s relaxed and has a tilted grin on him like a cool bass playing cat would. Love this!

  24. Thanks! I needed a laugh after shopping all day long.

  25. Okay, that’s easily the funniest, weirdest thing I’ve seen all day! 🙂

  26. I can just hear them playing the double bass accompanied with long meows and rythmic woof woofs! Brilliant Katie!

  27. Sometimes the images you post give us an inside view of your great sense of humor Katie. This one is a perfect example, Sally

  28. What can I say that other commenters haven’t already? It’s a great, silly shot. Your sense of humour is wonderful, Katie! Thanks for sharing that side of you with us!

  29. Very funny!!

  30. ha ha so cute 😀 Very silly! Great shot 🙂

  31. So cute ❤

  32. They do seem to enjoy playing musical instruments….

  33. Hahahaha….that’s so cute!!! Maybe mommy can do something like that with my photo one day 😉

  34. That’s brilliant! I have to do one of those with my cats 😀

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